Saturday, January 26, 2008

long way around

it's been awhile. too long if you ask me, and so much has happened that it makes it almost impossible to decide where to start. i finally took a position as a director of a daycare and so far it is going well. there are definately some kinks that need to be repaired, but for now i am thankful to just have a job. i also managed to talk my way into an internship with the owner of daisy cakes company here in knoxville. i am so excited to learn tricks of the trade in making cakes and particularly dealing with fondant.

on a more somber note chris and i made a very difficult decision two weeks ago and decided it was time for us to find a new church. in turn it meant i had to step down from the band which is the hardest thing i've had to do in awhile. for all you musicians, you know when you find that one person that you can just make amazing music with because you are both so in tune with each other and know exactly what the other is thinking? basically that was me with tyler. and now it's over.
don't get me wrong, we needed to find a different church. we had just been fighting god for about 9 months now. we were comfortable. we knew almost every member of the staff at sevier heights and were good friends with many of them. i was extremely involved in the music ministry and that was comfortable. i mean, don't take it the wrong way, but it's nice to know that people want to hear your gift. and now i feel completely lost, as if the long road that was leading us away from sevier heights just got longer as i now search for the place to use my gift for the lord.

we went to faith promise church last weekend and in all honesty it was exactly what tyler and i always dreamed worship would be like at the walk. but selfishly, i found myself becoming so irritated that they were doing songs that we were supposed to be doing at the walk this semester. i wanted to be able to lead the congregation in those songs and lead them to the throne of jesus. but again, the road we are on doesn't have any pit stops for me to fulfil my singing desire. at least not yet. hopefully the long way around is almost over. but if it's not i am just going to have to trust that this road that is dark and narrow is the road we have been commissioned to be on right now and although it seems long now, in the end it was the only road that would have lead us home.

be blessed.


v.taimani said...

hey cas.. i saw this video and it reminded me of how much i enjoyed doin worship with u.. miss u both so much.. now, the girl gets pentacostal in the middle and i dont mind that but her singin is what more reminds me of u and not ms. preacher preacher.. love yall..