Tuesday, January 19, 2010


2010- the year of baby lawson.

so that is my new motto for the year. i keep thinking if i put out enough positive thoughts it will happen... ok so not really, but i firmly believe that before the clock strikes midnight for 2011 we will have our own little bundle of joy. (:

we are going to an invitation only (sounds so fancy huh) meeting at bethany. you have to be at a certain point in the process to go here and we are actually a step ahead. so the hope is that after this meeting on february 19th we will be able to go ahead and start our home study if not sooner.

weight watchers- chris and i have been weight watchering for two weeks and we are proud to say that chris has lost 12 pounds and i have lost 11 pounds. we are so happy and are anxious to keep losing one pound at a time!

we have been really blessed in the last two weeks to get to spend time with some really great friends- akers', holden's, jameson's, and werner's. these folks are our family outside of our family and are such an encouragement to us.

oh and on a final note- i start at a *new* position next week- at my old branch. i am so excited to go back to the west knoxville branch and work with those ladies that i have come to love. and did i mention there is a ROCKIN' new manager out there? she is super and i cannot wait to have the opportunity to work with her. so praise be to Jesus for giving us so many blessings in the last few weeks- good friends, great jobs, encouragement on the path to being healthy and the hope for a new beginning for our family.

2010- the year of baby lawson.

maybe i'll have some t-shirts made up. :)


Unknown said...

Yea for a positive attitude! Feb. 19 is my bday, so hopefully good things come to you! I am praying for your journey, I am sure it so hard traveling the unknown, but God is with you every step of the way!