Thursday, November 12, 2009


today we heard probably the second most exciting news ever... our friends, jesse and leslie, who have been just a few steps ahead of us in the adoption process, well, found out they are PREGNANT!!!!!!!!

words cannot express how joyful chris and i both are for the two of them. without their love, support and friendship i don't know how chris and i would have gotten through the loss of kya, the frustrations of infertility, and the beginning stages of this adoption.

as i sit here typing i am just crying uncontrollably because when i think about the mighty work of God in their life and this miracle i am just overcome by how awesome He is. He is still the God of miracles and i am so fortunate and blessed to have gotten to experience this miracle through our friends.

jesse and les, we cannot wait to meet your sweet, sweet miracle and see what else God has up His sleeve for the three of you.


Jan Tincher said...

Birth babies, adopted babies, pets. They are all here to show us God's love in action.

Jesse and Leslie said...

Thanks so much for this post and for such a fun night this weekend! You guys are amazing and we are confident God has beautiful things in store for your family and future. **thanks for the card 2 :-)